Shanaghàn Neekaii Nanaa’in Hah
Two Old Women and the Bushman
A pesky bushman bothers two clever old women, gobbling up their harvest of fish and rabbits. They show him what’s what and help to feed their people. This long ago story is told by the late Sarah Abel Chitze, a legendary storyteller, and adapted by Dennis Allen.
- Storyteller Sarah (Joseph) Abel Chitze
- Writer Dennis Allen
- Elder advisors Robert Bruce Jr., Stephen Frost Sr., Joel Peter
- Translators Ruth Carroll, Jane Montgomery, Marion Schafer, Joel Peter
* To date this radio play has been recorded only in English. Translating these radio plays into Gwich’in requires considerable time and effort. There are only a few Gwich’in translators, and most of them are older and have many responsibilities. The Gwich’in translation was not finished until shortly before this website launched. It’s our hope to add the Gwich’in version in future.
- Sarah Abel/Narrator Randel Kendi
- Nich’it (Girl) Ciara Kakfwi-Frost
- Shanaghàn Tsal (Little Old Woman) Jane Montgomery
- Vakai’ William Josie
- Shijyàa Leonard Linklater
- Viyeets’i’ Tammy Josie
- Shanaghàn Njoo (Old Woman) Marion Schafer
- Nanaa’in (Bushman) Dennis Allen
- Director Reneltta Arluk (English version)
- Dramaturge Patti Flather
- Audio Producer, Sound Designer, Composer Jordy Walker
- Musicians Alana Martinson (composition, violin), Darcy McCord (composition, cello), George McConkey (composition, harmonica)
- Production Stage Manager Léa Roy Bernatchez
- Production Assistant Leonard Linklater
- Sound Assistants Tanner Coyne, Stanley Grafton Njootli
- Youth Production Assistant Ciara Kakfwi-Frost
- Booklet editing, design and layout Patricia Halladay
- Illustrations Shae Garrett-Charlie